Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fun Friday: Canceled Due to Illness

Sadly, what would have been our fourth consecutive "Fun Friday" was cancelled due to my becoming ill on Thursday with some sort of virus. Neither of us ever had anything more than a common cold or our usual chronic back pain during our seven months on the road, and with only catastrophic health insurance, this is a very good thing. My current illness is most likely a viral infection causing garden variety nausea, headache and malaise, but not feeling well is certainly a bummer, not only because of having to cancel "Fun Friday" but because this is also my birthday weekend (I'll be 46 tomorrow).

At any rate, we're lucky to have the free and unfettered use of our neighbors' home during this weekend and the coming week, a very kind offer which allows us to have an extra 1500 square foot home in which to rest and stretch out. It's a treat, and it also reminds us how much we don't want a house of our own and the responsibility and the (inevitable) accumulation of stuff that that would entail.

One of the nice things about this house is its inner courtyard that includes an outdoor bed that's protected from the rain that recently never seems to fall. (Protection from the ubiquitous flies would be nice, too, but you can't always have everything.)

Here's a daytime view of the courtyard from the outdoor bedroom....

Here I am, reclined in the outdoor bed, nauseous and resting....

And this is a nighttime view (without flash) from my reclined position.....

Mary has been taking very good care of me, and I can only hope that I'll feel better for my birthday. Still, plans to travel up to the Rio Grande again for the day tomorrow may be scuttled in lieu of something less taxing. Being sick on one's birthday is never fun, but I'm grateful that it's a self-limiting illness that will no doubt works its way out of my system soon. And after all, there are many more Fun Fridays---and birthdays---to come.



  1. feel better baby brother!

  2. Awwww....I just got on the blogs after awhile of not...and caught this post just in time to say Happy BIRTHDAY to YOU...happy birthDAY to YOU....Get well glad Mary is able to care for you...:( It is not fun to be sick anyday...but fun friday AND your birthday just seems sad...I hope you both will be able to celebrate for the whole month...I do mine...sometimes the whole happy 46! Enjoy:)

  3. Hey Keith...sending positive thoughts for a quick recovery, and abundant fun ahead for you and Mary, really soon!!! Can't keep a great guy down!! Blessings to Mary, too :) You two have been providing such a wondrous pictorial adventure all these months...can't thank you enough! These courtyard photos look like they are right out of some great southwestern magazine!
    Be well, and enjoy that birthday just to be alive, hey! Your life is a celebration of so much,
    take care and God bless,

  4. A belated Many Happy Returns of the Day to you. Hopefully the rest will find you well.
